It has been one hell of a ride, this year known as 2020. As the relentless year begins to draw to a close, I feel the need to share a few quiet thoughts on the lessons I’ve (we’ve) learned in this unbelievably trying time. As a rule, I purposely do not intertwine our brand with our personal outlook on life, but the occasional exception to the rule can often be cathartic.
In Three Words
- “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”― Robert Frost
Brilliant, right? Three little words I suspect ring true for millions of us. No matter what life throws at us, it goes on.
Lessons Learned in the Year 2020
It’s about this time each year when I sit down to write a reflection piece of the year. Usually, I write about where our travels took us, life at home, personal milestones, retirement trends, etc. When I sat down to write that post, I honestly could not find the words. I decided instead to think about a few lessons I’ve hopefully learned during this awful year, 2020.
More than anything I’ve learned, not only in 2020 but also in the past couple of years, is to stop making long range plans. This is especially true when it comes to travel plans. Every travel plan we had for 2020 was scrapped back in early March. Disappointed? Yes, but in the big picture it didn’t matter a damn.
In 2017, we sold our house and bought one-way tickets to Europe. When we left I was convinced I never wanted to buy another house. I wanted the freedom to pick up and change plans without having ties that bind. Not even one year later we returned to the US (for a wonderful reason) bought a house and settled in once again. What I’ve learned in 2020 is that I am exceedingly grateful for this little nest of ours that has given us shelter in the proverbial storm.
If 2020 has taught me anything it’s that shit happens. So, yeah, I’ve stopped making long range plans. I dream, but I don’t plan.
Learning to Live with Covid-19
I sleep reasonably well, but each morning I awaken exhausted. I am, like millions of others, mentally fatigued and emotionally exhausted. The Covid-19 pandemic has been absolutely brutal. But after nine months, we’ve learned a few lessons on how to live with the virus.

We’ve learned how to live in a family bubble. We, along with immediate family members live in our individual homes, but within a bubble. In this way we stay connected and we continue to share the daily care of our grandson. Masks, hand sanitizer, gloves and protective eye wear are the norm for grocery runs and doctor’s appointments. And, because our grocery runs are fewer than average, we’ve learned that less is more. We don’t need to run to the store for every little thing.
2020 & The Election Campaigns
As awful as living with the virus has been, and will continue to be, it is the 2020 election cycle that has really taken a toll on our mental health. We can’t escape it, and truthfully, there are days when I don’t think we should.
The “president” and his administration would have us believe that up is down and down is up. It has been a non-stop bombardment on the senses since he took office in 2016. It’s as if we’re living in an alternate reality. The lesson learned is that we need to be aware of what is happening, and how best to use our voices in resistance. We’ve taken those lessons to heart and turned our words in to action.

As much as we need to be aware of the upheaval in the US, we also need to maintain a sense of balance. The fact that we’re not all in padded rooms is a testament to the human spirit.
- “The human spirit is stronger than any government or institution.” Fela Kuti
When it all becomes a bit too much and we find ourselves losing our balance, we get in the car and explore within 100 miles of home. Doing so gives us a sense of normalcy, if even for just a day.
The Hard Lessons of Red & Blue
There are some lessons that are much harder to learn. Learning to live with wearing a mask pales in comparison to learning that 72 million people, for whatever the reason, voted hoping to secure another four years for the “president” and this administration. That’s a hard pill to swallow.
- “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” ― Isaac Asimov
The politicalization of wearing a mask continues to defy logic. It is both heartbreaking and infuriating, but not at all surprising. If you compare these two maps, the distinction between red and blue, and masks versus no masks, is all too clear.

There is no such thing as the perfect country, (well, maybe New Zealand) because every country has its problems. The year 2020 has taught me that the historical dark underbelly of the US runs much deeper and wider than I could have ever imagined. That’s another hard pill to swallow and a painfully difficult lesson to learn.
Lessons to be Learned
I often refer to the United States as the Divided States, and sadly, I don’t see anything changing for years to come. There is a rift in this country that I fear will never heal. It is, at the very least, the worst possible scenario for holding on to the democratic process.
Despite the obvious election outcome, I recently learned there will be no peaceful transfer of power in Washington, DC come January 20, 2021. There is no precedence for such a disrespectful slam to the democratic process.
2021. With that change of a single digit comes a ray of hope for better days ahead with new lessons to be learned. And, hopefully, some sense of peace.

I think it is great that you have a new nest in the US close to family. I wish I was closer to my mom, who lives in Mexico. But with all that’s going on, with all the travel restrictions, with us finding our own nest in Spain, this is the first year I haven’t gone to visit her which pains me because she’s not getting any younger.
We can all be thankful about the little things and the people in our lives. And it’s great that you can have this time to bond with your grandson.
As for the piece of shit in the White House (I can’t use his name anymore) you know he’ll burn everything down on his way out. The election won’t be truly over until he’s physically out the building….and I’m still thinking we’ll have a lot going down getting there.
I’m a big believer in everything happens for a reason so while I kicked and dragged my feet about buying another house, I see now why we needed to do so. Living just 4 1/2 miles from our family is a gift. It has made this challenging year bearable and being with our grandson has brought immeasurable joy to our lives. My wish for you is… now that you have your nest in Spain, your mom will be able to (sooner than later) travel to Spain for a good long visit with you and Lissette. Take care of each other and stay healthy.
Patti we loved this post as you know from our posts, we very much enjoy weaving the political narrative into the daily life narrative. Could not agree with you more when you put the finger on the unexplainable reality that 70+ million Americans remain devoted to the bag of nonsense that has been this presidency. We just DON”T GET IT. But more important than “getting it”, is your observation that this rift is NOT going away. It makes one want to investigate the feasibility of secession, because these are fundamentally two different countries.
Appreciate your thoughts about “lessons learned” in 2020. We might as well get some lessons learned out of this whole ordeal. Our current thoughts re the pandemic is that just like climate change, it is time now for us to mentally adjust our minds to the fact that the pandemic is not going anywhere for a long time. It will get worse before it gets better. So this now like climate change, our new reality.
Well written post, very thoughtful and solid post. Thank you.
Ben & Peta
Thank you Ben and Pita, for the kind words. I completely agree with your assessment, Covid is like the climate crisis, neither is going to go away and I think there are a lot of new norms we will have to adapt to. I agree with you that the US is, on many levels, two countries. Red versus blue. I’ve always believed this country is too massive for a two-party system. I’d love to see a viable 3rd and 4th party. I suspect it would have a significantly good impact on the democratic process. Take care and stay healthy!
It hurts to know that so many people, even in Blue, blue California bought the koolaid too. But I guess we as a state are as divided as we the country. I think your balance idea is important. I pushed myself too hard this fall and ended up on the marathon track bloody and in pain (analogy.) I am better now and somewhat hopeful. We have so much work to do. That is daunting to me also, but I will try to find balance. Grandchildren make it all worthwhile. What I have learned over time is that the small things make a difference. If we all contribute in small ways, we will make progress.
People all over the country, Linda, have drank the Kool-Aid. It’s a powerful drug. Balance is the key to sanity and I agree, learning to see the small things as the most important, is powerful.
Your words rang so true! Hang in there!
Thank you, Leslie. It’s good to know so many of us are in the same mindset, a good support system for getting through the last few weeks of 2020.
I couldn’t agree more with everything that you’ve said. However…I would like to add that not everyone in Ohio voted for trump! Not me!! 🙂 Be safe!
Thank you, Cindy, for the feedback. I admit to being stumped as to why Ohio is seen as such a key state, but I do know there are many blue-leaning people such as yourself. 🙂 Stay safe out there and let’s enjoy the upcoming holiday season knowing January will bring great change!
Our daughter-in-law refers to 2020 as the year that keeps on taking. I’m supposed to be hospitalized starting November 30th, when it will still be 2020.
2020 has definitely not been your year for good health. Hopefully, you’ll soon be up and around again and leaving your little black cardigan in all kinds of fun places.