The Yin and Yang of Life. It’s the title of my – our – life these days.

Here’s the thing, we actually closed escrow on the sale of Abigail’s on March 31.  Yep. It’s true.  Let no one have any doubt that I can keep a secret.  Ha!

The Yin & The Yang

It was all a bit surreal as we signed on the proverbial dotted line and closed escrow.  The next day the new owners left the U.S. and returned to Zimbabwe to pack up their lives.  Having agreed to stay on and manage the inn, for six months, we felt a little cheated as we were left standing at the door.  We had a closed sale in hand, but no closure to this chapter of our lives.  Living and working, for the past five months, with one foot out the door has been challenging interesting to say the least.  Definitely more so for me because I am the uber-emotional 1/2 of what makes Abi and I a whole person.  He’s the sound logic, I’m the creative emotion – that’s the yin and the yang of us.

For Sale

A B&B is a highly personal business.  It is, after all, your home, your guests, your style, your mannerisms and your hospitality.  For a B&B, it would be just short of business suicide to post a FOR SALE sale in the front lawn of your B&B.  Trust me, I’ve seen it, it’s not pretty.  We wanted to give the new owners the best possible turn over we could, so to ensure the continued success/reputation of Abigail’s, we kept the sale to ourselves, along with only a few near and dear people in our lives who were sworn to secrecy.  The new owners will return to Ashland in 12 days from now, so the cat will soon be out of the bag, so-to-speak.

Organized Chaos

Once we closed escrow, I began to pack with a vengeance.  I knew, by the time we reached September, we would be exhausted.  Packing up our lives would be the last thing we’d want to take on.  So while I was still high from the sale and full of energy I packed as many boxes as I could. I started stacking them around the walls of our private apartment, never giving hint to anyone.  Our two housekeepers didn’t even figure it out until we revealed the news a few days ago.

So while the inn looks like this…

Abigail's parlor
Abigail’s parlor
Abigail's dining room
Abigail’s dining room

Our apartment looks like this…

Living in organized chaos
It’s the latest interior design – box chic

Organized chaos.  It’s the yin and yang of live right now..  Living and working with one foot out the door.  42 days and counting.

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