On Being Thankful
I’m thankful. At a time when the world at large seems to be caught up in a manic spin cycle, I’m taking a moment to remember the good in the world; goodness we’ve been gifted with in our lives. I think it’s something we all tend to forget to do, I know I’m guilty of it. Especially, in the past few weeks with the fueling of ignorance spreading like wildfire by presidential hopefuls and the mass media. Why not lead the news with acts of good and kindness such as the little boy who wants to personally thank all of the NYPD?
Take a Moment
There’s so much good in the world, but it isn’t served to us in the same proportion as the hate, ignorance and violence. We have to go out and find the good. There are days when I simply walk away from the television, I don’t want to hear it or see it and the thought of campaign propaganda infiltrating our lives for the next year kinda makes me want to scratch my fingernails down a chalk board – yeah, it’s like that. So, I’m making a list and checking it twice – oh wait, that’s a different holiday – and I’m taking this moment to be thankful for the good that crossed our path in 2015.
I’m Thankful For
I’m thankful for the kindness of those who live along the path of the Camino de Santiago; the generosity of their good wishes filled our hearts as we walked.
The hotelier who kidnapped us and drove us 12 miles on a cold rainy day on the Camino when I wasn’t sure I could walk the distance. I’m thankful he didn’t understand a word we said, but knew what we needed.
A quiet man who grew the world in his field, demonstrating to all those who passed by, the world is indeed a beautiful site to see. His field touched our hearts and for that, I am thankful.

Embrace the Goodness
Blisters. I couldn’t say this at the time, but surprisingly, I am actually thankful for every single blister I endured while walking the Camino because without those blisters, I would not have learned as much as I did.
Cathedrals. Whatever you believe – or don’t – cathedrals are home to history, peace, beauty and sometimes they are in the center of controversy. I am thankful we embraced the goodness of cathedrals.

Who says the French don’t like Americans? Ha! It’s not true, it just isn’t. Spend some time in Paris – or anywhere in France – and you’ll understand. I am beyond thankful Abi suggested we spend three weeks, in the dead of winter, in Paris.
Hospitality & Brilliance
I am thankful for the incredible hospitality of the Iranian people; a nation misunderstood by the western world.

The brilliance of a man named Gaudi who gifted the world with his art. We should all be thankful.
Padron peppers and Sangria, the almost perfect combination of flavor sensation, but only when in Spain. You know, because they just don’t taste the same anywhere else. I was thankful over and over again while in Spain.

I am happily thankful for my new hiking shoes, which will carry me on another long distance adventure come spring when we will once again be gifted with goodness.
And chocolate. Because.

Gifts of Goodness
These are just a few of the gifts of goodness that crossed our path in 2015. So, while the mass media continues to spew out ugliness and the state department issues travel warning reports of where not in the world to travel, I encourage you to read the words of Rick Steves and discover for yourself how beautiful the world can be when we keep an open mind. We wish you continued safe travels and encourage you to look for the goodness in not only your travels, but in your daily lives. It’s there. We just have to look for it.
Happy Thanksgiving!
It is heart warming to remember that most people in the world are good people, enventhough the news want us to believe otherwise. Reading your post has made me spend some time reflecting on so many things that I am very grateful for, certanly family and friends come top of the list.
Gilda Baxter recently posted…Iceland – The Ring Road In a Camper Van – Part 2
Sometimes, we have to purposely stop and remind ourselves to think about the good and you’re right, it is heartwarming.
Very well said. There should be an ‘only good news’ media source.

Gaelyn recently posted…Foto Friday Fun 139
Completely agree, Gaelyn!
Patti, thanks for reminding us about all the good in our world. Some how the bad apples who are a relative few, so often manage to monopolize the news, while person to person people are kind, generous and welcoming. Best wishes to you and yours for a joyous Thanksgiving.

Suzanne Fluhr recently posted…Zentangle Diva Challenge #245 – Happy Thanksgiving United Statesers Edition
Wouldn’t it be lovely if mainstream news refused to give the recognition those bad apples are seeking?! Happy Thanksgiving, Suzanne.
I am thankful for a wonderful friend who can put into words many of the feelings I share with her. I remember the many Christmas dinners we shared when our boys were small, showing the world that there is no difference between people who love each other and no religion that can separate them. A joyful Thanksgiving to you and yours.
I couldn’t have said it any better! Happy Thanksgiving my friend.
Well said, Patti. This is a great Thanksgiving ode on my favorite holiday and reminded me (again!) that I need to practice the fine art of gratitude every day. I find that listing the things I’m thankful for lights a small glow of happiness in my heart, keeps a smile on my face and helps me navigate the rough spots. Happy Thanksgiving! Anita

Anita @ No Particular Place To Go recently posted…Transitions, Changes and Americus the Beautiful
Happy Thanksgiving, Anita! I’m looking forward to reading about the expat life in Portugal!
Beautifully put Patti… When I find myself feeling strangled by the negativity and outright ignorance and stupidity being spewed all over these last few weeks, I too have to make myself stop and remember all that is right with the world! Happy Holidays to you and Albi!

Rhonda recently posted…Caught in Creativeless-ness
Soon, you’ll be driving south and away from the mass media. Safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving, Rhonda!
Beautifully written Patti. We all tend to remember the worst experiences, but think – as travellers – of all the things that go right because of other people who help us out when we travel or who are friendly just for the sake of being friendly. They’re the majority everywhere you go. We have much to be thankful for.

Frank (bbqboy)
Frank recently posted…Safe and Sound – Paragliding over Cape Town
Indeed we do, Frank! Happy Thanksgiving!