October 6, ‘2004 – Abi and I said farewell to Australia and boarded our flight to Auckland, New Zealand.  We arrived in the early evening and took a cab to our hotel, and when I say cab I mean a mini-van with a trailer attached which holds all of the luggage and you kind of hope your luggage doesn’t get unloaded at the wrong stop.

Princess Wharf

We treated ourselves to the Hilton Auckland on Princess Wharf.  The hotel was built in the design of a ship and it sits at the end of the wharf, very pretty.  From our room we could see the Harbour.

Hilton on Princess Wharf
View of the Hilton from the harbour.
It Rains in Auckland

Unfortunately, we awoke the next morning to rain, rain, rain and a bit more rain for the next several days.  Apparently, not so unusual.  We braved the storm and headed out to explore downtown Auckland.  We took a double-decker bus tour of the city but it was hard to see out of the windows much less take photos, but we were in Auckland, so who cares?!

The view from our room.
They are everywhere you go!
The Auckland Sky Tower. You can walk around the tower or sky jump off, neither of which we did! There is also a rotating restaurant at the top. Never a fan of heights, I opted out!
Our view from the bus window!

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