A Day at the library. In a day and age when electronics reign supreme, it’s good to know people still pick up a book. A real book, possibly even a library book. And, not just open their Kindle or device of preference, but rather hold an actual book. The smell of the pages. The feel of a faded dog-eared page marking a stopping point. And illustrations. Old-school illustrations with captions.
A Love of Books
I have a beloved collection of books that I will never part with. At least not for as long as humanly possible. I passed my love of books on to our son. He is building his library with books from his childhood and adolescence serving as the foundation. That’s not to say I don’t own a Kindle because let’s face it, an e-reader can’t be beat when it comes to traveling.
The New York Public Library
Depending on which source of information you believe, the New York Public Library is either the 2nd, or the 4th largest library in the United States. I know, if you’re like me the question that immediately comes to mind is, where’s the largest? When I looked up the answer I thought, “Duh.” Nope, not telling. Find out for yourself and post your answer in a comment below.

Where’s the Books?
Odd as it may sound, the day we visited the New York Public Library we didn’t come across a single book. Well, I saw a few behind locked doors such as in private reading rooms. But I wasn’t able to get my hands on a book. The one room I had hoped to see was the Rose Reading Room. Wouldn’t you know it? Closed for renovations. It was a bit of a disappointment, but visiting the library is still worth the time as the architecture alone is definitely impressive. I’d love to return next year once the room is reopened. I can only imagine the grandeur. And the books. All of the books.

Cast in Bronze
Cast in bronze, a collection of 96 plaques are embedded in the sidewalk on the Library Way at East 41st Street between 5th Avenue and Park Avenue. It’s actually quite fun to walk along the sidewalk reading the quotations, but don’t forget to watch where you’re walking! Because just like in so many large cities, people in NYC are on the move and if you’re not moving right along with them, well…

And, following the quotations along the Library Walk is the ideal way to locate the Library Hotel, just 1 short block from the actual library.
The Library Hotel
Books. It’s the perfect backdrop for a hotel just steps away from the public library. For a lover of the written word, I can’t think of a better place to stay. From the moment we entered the lobby of the Library Hotel, we knew we were in for a fabulous stay where words soothe the soul.

Dewey Decimal
The Dewey Decimal system is at the heart of the hotel, with each floor designated by one of the categories of the system. We stayed on the 4th floor, languages, which seemed to be a perfect fit. And our room, like all 60 rooms in the hotel, housed a mini library. The hotel itself has a collection of 6,000 books!

Like all properties in the Library Hotel Collection, the Library offers guests endless amenities and comfort. A lovely continental breakfast is served daily, as well as a relaxing wine and cheese reception each evening.

The Reading Room
The Reading Room is located on the 2nd floor of the hotel and it is open 24 hours/day. It’s a comfortable place to tickle the ivories on the grand piano, pick up and read a good book, or just sit back, relax and let the time slip by. And don’t forget the rooftop garden. We picked up lunch at a nearby sandwich shop and took it up to the 14th floor rooftop garden and enjoyed our sandwiches picnic style, it was the perfect setting.

The hotel is truly a lovely property with impeccable standards and a welcoming and accommodating staff. I’m hoping each of you has the opportunity to enjoy a day at the library.
Greetings from Melbourne, Australia I am a library officer in a suburban library here in melbourne, and when we visited NYC 2 years ago, we stayed at the Library Hotel, a wonderful hotel, we took advantage of that reading room daily! I was frustrated that they do not have their hooks in any order though, was itching to perfect order them I also was keen to visit the NY Public library and like you, was amazed, not a book in sight I was going to do a tour but time got away, and the reading room was closed then, it’s still closed now?? We did go across the road to the mid-Manhattan branch though, which is a real library with books, I just had to get my fix, much to my husbands smirking!!
Hello Janine, thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment. We saw the library branch across the road, but we were on a time crunch so we didn’t stop in, a good reason to return! The Library Hotel is very special and that’s funny that you wanted to organize the books. I can imagine with so many people coming and going it must be hard to keep them in order.
Yes, you have truly stumbled upon one of New York’s hiddened jems. My husband and I discovered it about 12 years ago and since have spent the week before Christmas enjoying their friendly environment. Of course a trip up the block to the library is a must as well as a visit to the Morgan Library close by.
Oops, I should have typed gems. A former English teacher and librarian should know better!
No worry, Debbie, I knew what you meant. 😉
It is a lovely hotel, isn’t it? You may enjoy their sister properties as well – they are all lovely. Thank you so much for stopping by to read our post and leave a comment.
The Rose reading room looks incredible…but to visit a library and have the room closed and not see a book? That sucks. You know what? Bought a Kindle a few years ago and haven’t used it. I just can’t get into it. Give me a real book any day. Shame that reading is on the way out…
Frank (bbqboy)

Frank recently posted…Wild, Wacky Skopje (Macedonia). One of the Strangest Places we’ve been
I agree on the love of books, but once I did relent and buy a Kindle, I realized how easy it is to travel with it. But, I “love” books and as I said, I have a collection I will never part with.
oh, the memories of the hours and hours I have spent in libraries in my life. And that hotel, heaven! Thanks for sharing, what a great place to spend the night.

Rhonda recently posted…The Ties that Bind
The hotel was very nice – too bad we didn’t have the time to actually sit back, relax and read a book! Too much to do, but one day we’ll return!
I love books too; the only possessions I put into storage at my mum’s house when we left to travel was a couple of box loads of my favourite books and lots of my old journals and notebooks. You’re right though, an e-reader really is the way to go when you travel, although now we have an apartment in Chiang Mai I have started perusing the books at the second-hand store down the road! Great book quotes by the way and that library is stunning 🙂

Amy recently posted…Moving to Chiang Mai, Week One in Thailand
I think books are a part of us – little treasures that we build memories upon. And maybe if you buy a few used books you can leave them for the next expats who rent your apartment.
I grew up loving and spending much time at the local library, a marvelous structure both inside and out. I read books all the time, especially loving Nancy Drew and Black Beauty. Plus the library provided opportunities for research for school papers. I still love to do research, but sadly, now use the internet almost exclusively. That is one classy library. But I’d never heard of the Library Hotel. What a kick. Over 6000 books! Wow.

Gaelyn recently posted…Foto Friday Fun 177
Our son read all of the Black Beauty books, I still have the collection. I remember doing research the old school way – encyclopedias!
So how long is the reading room closed for renovation? No books? So what’s the point – to look at the architecture?
Well, there were definitely people using the other not so glamorous reading rooms, and there may have been areas we did not see. The architecture is fantastic and well-worth taking the time to see. According to the website the Rose Main Reading Room will reopen in early 2017. Here is a link if you’re interested to learn more. http://gothamist.com/2015/07/06/rose_reading_room.php
Aparently the biggest library is the British Library in London with 170million catalogued books. I share your love for books, but for travelling only a kindle will do. I love that Library Hotel, how cool is that?

Gilda Baxter recently posted…La Digue, a Brief Love Affair
That’s a lot of books, Gilda! The Library Hotel was very cool, I’d gladly stay again and would recommend it to all!
I’m guessing here—the Library of Congress is the largest library in the US–in Washington, D.C. I remember going to the main national library when I was doing a semester in Bogota, Colombia. They assigned you a seat in the reading room. Then you filled out a slip with the book you wanted and they brought it to you—same thing at the library of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. Like you, I read ebooks when I’m traveling, but I find I have been ordering more “real” books lately on Amazon. Amazon loves me.

PS: The Library Hotel looks like a cool place.
Suzanne Fluhr recently posted…The Way – A Boomeresque Movie Review about Walking the Camino de Santiago
The Library Hotel was indeed a very cool place! I believe you would really enjoy it. And, the Library of Congress is probably my most favorite building in D.C., it’s just incredible.