If I had a nickel for every time someone told me I should write a book. A book about our lives in the hospitality industry, I’d be a wealthy woman.  Well, no, actually, I’d have about $1.35 in my pocket but you get my point.

And the book that has been suggested I write would not be about travel; it would be about our life in the world of hospitality.  We’ve owned/operated our B&B for just over 2 1/2 years but in a prior life we owned/operated a high-profile French restaurant in San Jose, CA for 16 years and in a life prior to that, Abi worked as a restaurant manager and I worked for Hyatt Hotels – way, way back in our younger days.  It’s easily said that hospitality is in our blood.

Politely But Emphatically

Our B&B guests ask us all the time, “Do you stay in B&B’s when you travel?”  We always politely but emphatically say, “No.”  Staying in a B&B would be like going to work for us because contrary to popular belief this life we lead is a helluva lot of work and it’s not for the faint of heart.

When we travel we hotel-it or we rent an apartment such as we did in January when we stayed in Paris for 3 weeks.  And, truth be told if we stayed in a B&B we’d be silently (and constantly) critiquing everything and who wants to do that?  Oh, and one more reason why we don’t stay in B&B’s; we don’t eat breakfast.  Ha!  Yeah, I know.

Spin A Good Story

But back to writing a book, which by the way I have zero interest in doing so because quite frankly I don’t have the patience to undertake such a project.  Up until now I have been hesitant to share stories of hospitality intrigue because I don’t want to sound like a negative Nelly, (let’s face it, most of the good stories are about the stupid not-so-smart things people do) but there are ways to spin a good story and with Abi’s encouragement and our stash of stories, I think it may be time for me to start serving up a few gems.  Because, after all, travel and hospitality go hand-in-hand.

One Road at a Time

As we continue on as innkeepers and traveling the world – One Road at a Time – I am going to start sharing the occasional hospitality tidbit, including a few reviews, a few do’s and don’ts,  some funny and some inspiring, a few annoying and whatever else strikes my fancy.  I’m not sure what definitively defines an expert, but Abi and I have been around the block a time or two (or three) so I think we’re sufficiently qualified.

Hospitality Put to the Test

So stay tuned! I might tell you about the single woman who took down 2 bottles of wine and passed out while eating take-out food in bed. Or, the elderly couple who became disoriented and walked right into our private quarters at 9:30 at night. Or, the man who protested that he did not smoke in our cottage. He only disposed of his cigarette butts in the garbage can. I might tell you about the lovely couple who traveled from Georgia to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. Or, the oh-so-nervous young man who proposed to his girlfriend.  And by the way, she said, Yes!

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