Halloween. Dia de Los Muertos. It’s not so much that I’m madly in love with the holiday, although I do think it’s crazy fun. I am, in fact, madly in love with all things fall. The trees are bursting with color and mother nature is gearing up for winter as we near the end of October.
I love this time of year like no other. The air is cool and crisp, the humidity of summer heat has disappeared and the bugs have returned to the hell from which they were spawned. I can breathe again. Halloween falls right into the mix of all things fall.

Each year when October draws to a close, I inevitably think back to our lives as innkeepers in Ashland, OR. I pull up the following post, which was originally published way back in 2013 and I lose myself in the memories for just a few minutes. It’s an oldie, but a goodie, and well-worth publishing yet again. However, like so many other things in this time of pandemic, Covid-19, Halloween has been the topic of many conversations with regard to the safety of children and adults alike.
Halloween & Covid-19
We live in an Norman Rockwell neighborhood with a very active email grape vine. There has been much discussion among neighbors as to the best course of action for trick-or-treaters. Last year (2020) some parents were advocating the neighborhood adhere to county recommendations, some supported cancelling altogether, while others suggested block parties only, costume parades, etc., all in lieu of the age old tradition of trick-or-treating. In the end, it was decided a general consensus was not going to happen and everyone would celebrate, or not, in a way in which they deemed appropriate.
The year before (2019) we had at least 150+ kids and adults come to our door. This year, we’re looking forward to handing out candy and oohhing and aahhing over costumes, from a distance. I’m thinking face masks will be highly creative this year. We’ll be setting up a table on our front steps, candy will be spread out across the table, (not just clustered in a bowl) and we’ll keep our distance as we ask the kids to help themselves.
So, with all of that being said, and without further adieu, here is our Halloween post from 2013.
Ashland, Oregon
In 2013 we were living in Ashland, Oregon where we owned a B&B. (Open the link to find a yummy cookie recipe) Ashland is home of the world-renowned Oregon Shakespeare Festival. That alone lends itself to an artistic flair that seemingly settles over the entire community in some fashion. Ashland celebrates pretty much every holiday with a parade. There is something incredibly unique about how the town comes out in full to celebrate Halloween. It’s just one of the many reasons why we believe everyone should visit Ashland. With that being said, I can’t think of a better way to share the holiday, with all of you, than to republish this post from Halloween of 2013.
Dia de Los Muertos
When our son was young, we lived in a family-oriented neighborhood where we probably gave out Halloween treats to 200+ kids each year. It was always fun to carve pumpkins, help out at the school parties and of course ooohhh and aaahhh at the trick-or-treater’s costumes. But never, ever, have we lived in a town where Halloween – Dia de Los Muertos – is celebrated to the extent it is here in Ashland, southern Oregon. Seriously.
There are about 20,000 permanent residents in Ashland and I’m fairly certain 75% of them come out onto the streets on this day of costuming and celebration. Perhaps it’s the influence of having the world-renowned Oregon Shakespeare Festival in residence; but I have never seen costumes – adult and child alike – such as what I see each year in Ashland. We are simply in awe of the creativity, time and effort put in to the costumes, and the make-up!
A Parade Like No Other
Sponsored by the Ashland Chamber of Commerce the holiday festivities include a Monster Dash race and “thee” parade of the year, as well as face painting, costume prizes, street entertainment and all of the local stores open their doors to trick-or-treaters. And, by parade I mean a massive sea of people who dance the length of Main Street to the rhythmic beat of drums that catches hold of you and won’t let go. To fully appreciate the lengths to which the good people of Ashland celebrate, take two minutes to watch the video. I promise, it will make you smile.
Abi and I are boring – we do not dress in costume but we never miss the parade. We go with camera(s) in hand ready to capture as many fabulous moments as we can. In turn I gladly share them with you!

~ Happy Halloween ~
What fun to look back.
Very much so!
I’d never have guessed that Ashland got into the Halloween spirit in such a big way. Thanks for re-sharing your post from 2013. I loved the photo of the woman with the zipper face – how ingenious to come up with such a creative design.
Yes, Annie, it was a surprise to us too, but the whole vibe of the little city is theatrical as it is home to the Ashland Shakespeare Festival, which runs 9 months of the year and is renowned. Thanks for stopping by!
Patti, I hope you will be posting some of these years Halloween costumes, I bet it will be few COVID related ones or political ones…how fun. Enjoy ❤️
So happy you owned the B&B because otherwise we might never have made it to Ashland. Love that place.
Impressive parade. The face painting is especially interesting. Great first photo! My favourite Halloween memory was when I dressed up as a man and my children didn’t recognize me in my suit and facial hair face paint. Alas, in Viet Nam there is no Fall season, only the dry season and the wet season and there is no Halloween or Dia de los Muertos. Oh well, one can’t have it all.
Such a fun post!
Thank you, Peta, for the feedback and for sharing such an awesome Halloween memory. I imagine it was quite fun to see the expression on the faces of your kids when they realized it was you.
I know Halloween is big in the US, the costumes are incredible. Here in the UK we also enjoy a good Halloween party, it is a lot of fun to see the creativity and imagination. I must remember to have plenty of treats for the neighbour’s kids who will no doubt be knocking on our door for the usual “tricks or treats”.
Safe travels home, Gilda and Happy Halloween! We’re ready for the onset of kids, but hoping the rain will hold off!
Patti, I love Halloween but haven’t gotten into it just yet. The temps are still too high to think Fall and decorating the yard. Our daughter will visit this weekend and we will carve the pumpkin so that’s a start! I’ve never known an entire city to be so involved at Halloween. Leave it to theater people to do Halloween as it should be done.

suzanne vosbikian recently posted…Finding Your Zen
Exactly, Suzanne. The artistry of theater people is amazing, we always enjoyed the parade and costumes. I very much love that we have 4 distinct seasons. It wouldn’t be holiday season (in my mind) if it was warm outside. Happy Halloween!
Really fabulous pictures – and costumes! Amazingly creative folks! Happy Halloween to you!
Happy Halloween to you and yours, Cindy!
Must be all the costume designers and make up artists who live there. What a set of pictures. Linda
Definitely has an influence, never seen anything like it and there are 100’s of people in costumes just as ornate.
What a fabulous event. I only associate Ashland with Shakespeare but this looks like it would be way more fun.

Leigh recently posted…7 Ice Hotels That Will Keep You Warm at Night
Shakespeare is definitely in residence in Ashland and I think that’s part of why the community is SO inspired! Thanks for reading!
I love the energy, imagination and preparation that goes into celebrating Halloween in America! Such inventive costumes; I too love the intense guy with the little witch on his back, the dogs are pretty cool too! Nice video too although I had to open it in a new tab as it shows up as a link within the post 🙂

Amy recently posted…Update: Our Future Travel Plans
Yes! Ashland does Halloween to the maximum – it’s like nowhere else that we’ve ever seen. So much fun to just take it all in!
And dog costumes, too, love it.
I figured you’d like the dogs and all of the Dia de Los Muertos make-up! Made me miss you!!
I love how many people went all-out with there costumes! I haven’t really seen that since I lived in New Orleans.
I think my favorite is the little vampire.
Yes, he was really cute and his make-up was so well done for him. Thanks so much for reading!
It’s great to see people getting so into it! Halloween was pretty dead here in Montreal and I’ve seen the participation going down every year, most houses don’t even bother with so much as a pumpkin. I’d love to live in a small town again one day, you’re photos remind me how much more community minded people are.

Great photos, like to see that even the dogs get involved.
Frank (bbqboy)
Frank recently posted…Travel Forums 101: dealing with Trolls, Haters, Expats, and other “Uglies”
Yeah, there are a lot of dog costumes but they are hard to catch because they don’t hold still with so much craziness going on. Ashland is a great small town in which to live, small enough to have a real sense of community but not so small that the whole town knows your business! Thanks for reading!
Amazing!! I mean truly truly amazing. It’s Ashland’s version of the Mummers Parade. Do you get people staying at your B&B who come especially for this event?

Suzanne Fluhr (Boomeresque) recently posted…Philadelphia Phriday – Wissahickon Valley Park
Nope, it’s pretty much a local hoop-la! There are tourists in town (and at our B&B) because it is the last weekend of the OSF season, but no one travels specifically to Ashland for the parade. Some are lucky enough to catch it, but most tourists were in the theaters for matinees. It’s just a few hours of fabulous organized chaos!
Wow, wow, wow!!! You guys hit the jackpot on the photos, Patti! I love looking at Halloween costume pictures. I never get dressed up but I’m fascinated by the time spent and imagination put forth to come up with the brilliant ideas that folks do. And these are spectacular! Really good point on the Shakespeare part of Ashland possibly being an influence. Fantastic post, our friend! 🙂

Mike recently posted…My Top 10 +1 Favorite Robert Downey Jr Movies
Thanks Mike! It’s really hard to capture photos during the parade because there are SO many people and someone always seems to walk into my shot. So after the parade we walk around town and I ask people to pose for me and that’s when I get the best shots.