Prague. For whatever reason I just couldn’t hit that “book it” button.  I’d somehow managed to check off the rest of the key nights, you know the ones – gotta be there the night before the flight – nights.  Our upcoming trip is a 4-parter and while I had parts 2, 3, and 4 mapped out I just couldn’t seem to pull it together for part 1.

Part 1

Part 1 was drafted as a 2-week romp around Germany and Belgium hopping on and off trains with 2 or 3 nights at each stop. Baden-Baden to Bruges, a hop, skip and a jump. It all sounded wonderful and I was drooling in my sleep dreaming of warm Belgian waffles drizzling with some sweet concoction. I just couldn’t pull the trigger.  I just couldn’t seem to muster the proper amount of enthusiasm. Neither could Abi.  It sounded picturesque, but it also sounded exhausting. I’m saving my exhaustion for our Camino walk.


One afternoon while once again staring at the map of Germany my wandering eye spotted the “P” word, Prague.  There it was, calling me.  Come to Prague.  Prague, which has been on our radar for quite some time.  Prague, a glimpse into the Czech Republic and the mysteries of eastern Europe.  And then just like that we knew what we wanted to do and it all started falling into place.

We've rented an apartment in this lovely building in Prague 1.
We’ve rented an apartment, on the top floor, in this lovely classic building in Praha 1.
Basking in the Glory

Our 4-parter trip will look a little like this. Part 1:  We’ve decided to divide our time between Prague, Nuremberg and Munich. Part 2: Um, that’s kind of a surprise so stay tuned! Part 3: We’ll spend about six weeks trekking across Spain, and Part 4: We’ll be basking in the glory of the south of France, pampering our tired worn out feet in Aix en Provence.

Sounds like a pretty good plan, yes? If you’ve been to any of our chosen destinations, feel free to share your top choices of what to do, where to go and what to see.  And most importantly, where to eat!  We’d love to hear from you.


Big news! Drum roll, please! I couldn’t be more excited to announce we are partnering with Eurail. Yep!  It’s true!  If you’d seen me dancing around our apartment when I received the good news, you’d know just how excited I am.  And, I am so looking forward to sharing the highlights of our train travel, because seriously, who doesn’t love trains?!

Anticipation and Angst

We are just about six weeks out from taking off and I am full of eager anticipation and a bit of angst. I always get a little rattled just before we leave (am I the only one?) and the logistics of this trip have my organizational skills working overtime. We are leaving in winter, returning in summer and traveling for 13 weeks with only what we can carry on our backs. Oy! My aching back!

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