Prague. For whatever reason I just couldn’t hit that “book it” button. I’d somehow managed to check off the rest of the key nights, you know the ones – gotta be there the night before the flight – nights. Our upcoming trip is a 4-parter and while I had parts 2, 3, and 4 mapped out I just couldn’t seem to pull it together for part 1.
Part 1
Part 1 was drafted as a 2-week romp around Germany and Belgium hopping on and off trains with 2 or 3 nights at each stop. Baden-Baden to Bruges, a hop, skip and a jump. It all sounded wonderful and I was drooling in my sleep dreaming of warm Belgian waffles drizzling with some sweet concoction. I just couldn’t pull the trigger. I just couldn’t seem to muster the proper amount of enthusiasm. Neither could Abi. It sounded picturesque, but it also sounded exhausting. I’m saving my exhaustion for our Camino walk.
One afternoon while once again staring at the map of Germany my wandering eye spotted the “P” word, Prague. There it was, calling me. Come to Prague. Prague, which has been on our radar for quite some time. Prague, a glimpse into the Czech Republic and the mysteries of eastern Europe. And then just like that we knew what we wanted to do and it all started falling into place.

Basking in the Glory
Our 4-parter trip will look a little like this. Part 1: We’ve decided to divide our time between Prague, Nuremberg and Munich. Part 2: Um, that’s kind of a surprise so stay tuned! Part 3: We’ll spend about six weeks trekking across Spain, and Part 4: We’ll be basking in the glory of the south of France, pampering our tired worn out feet in Aix en Provence.
Sounds like a pretty good plan, yes? If you’ve been to any of our chosen destinations, feel free to share your top choices of what to do, where to go and what to see. And most importantly, where to eat! We’d love to hear from you.
Big news! Drum roll, please! I couldn’t be more excited to announce we are partnering with Eurail. Yep! It’s true! If you’d seen me dancing around our apartment when I received the good news, you’d know just how excited I am. And, I am so looking forward to sharing the highlights of our train travel, because seriously, who doesn’t love trains?!
Anticipation and Angst
We are just about six weeks out from taking off and I am full of eager anticipation and a bit of angst. I always get a little rattled just before we leave (am I the only one?) and the logistics of this trip have my organizational skills working overtime. We are leaving in winter, returning in summer and traveling for 13 weeks with only what we can carry on our backs. Oy! My aching back!
Fantastic about the partnership with Eurail — train travel in Europe is awesome. You are going to have a fabulous time on this trip — that’s my solid prediction. Glad you chose Prague — I dreamed of Prague for years and now we’ve been twice. It’s magical –even when it’s crowded with tourists. Munich — another excellent choice. I’ll be following along with much interest, nostalgia and a touch of envy. 🙂
Cathy Sweeney recently posted…Wining, Dining, and Mining in El Dorado County
Thanks so much, Cathy, we are super excited about partnering with Eurail. I’ll say hello to Prague and Munich for you!
Sounds so exciting Patti!!!! Prague is on our list to. It sounds like one hell of an adventure, train travel sounds the best. Can’t wait to hear about part 2!

Tracey recently posted…Cheap Travel to London: An Opportunists Dream
Thanks Tracey, we are super excited. All will be revealed about part 2. Enjoy London!
Very ambitious and very exciting! Doing it by train makes it even better.

Scott – Quirky Travel Guy recently posted…True Blood houses, Elvis statues, taxidermy museums, and ZZ Top murals: Quirky experiences in Shreveport, Louisiana
I know, right?! Who doesn’t love trains!
I just spent the weekend in Prague and LOVED it! I plan to go back someday with my husband for a longer stay. There’s so much to see and do. Have fun!

Juliann recently posted…Blessed By a Monk
We are very much looking forward to visiting Prague, thanks for stopping by!
Congratulations, guys. You’re going to love Prague. It’s one of our fave cities.

Gran Canaria Local recently posted…Bubble Football
Thanks! We are really looking forward to spending time in Prague!
Sounds like a great plan Patti and how exciting that you’re partnering with EUrail! I can’t believe you have just six weeks left to go, it’ll whiz by 🙂

Amy recently posted…This Is It
Thanks, Amy, we are super excited about partnering with Eurail!
Wow, the whole trip sounds wonderful! You must be so excited! Prague has been on my bucket list for a while but I just haven’t made it there yet, so I’ll be waiting to read your stories!

Patti Morrow recently posted…Valentineâs Day: Dinner, Diamonds, or Destination?
We are excited and very much looking forward to visiting Prague. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Be sure to have some Lobkowicz Beer and check out the Lobkowicz Palace which is in the Prague Castle (which you’ll surely go to!). You’ll love the city and area, wish I could go again soon!
Ha! Sally, that’s so cool! I’m not a beer drinker but I’ll tell Abi and yes, we are planning to visit the castle so we’ll look for the Lobkowicz Palace.
Patti your trip sounds amazing, I have never been to Prague, so will be looking forward to hear how you like it. I love train journeys and the Eurail should be a lot of fun. Provence at the end will be the icing on the cake and a well deserved rest. Enjoy it.

Gilda Baxter recently posted…An Anglo-Brazilian Wedding (Take One…) on The Isle of Wight
Oh yes, Gilda, I think we saved the best for last as a well-earned reward! Well, I think it will all be wonderful, but Provence in early June just about sounds perfect, doesn’t it?! And I’m super excited to be partnering with Eurail!
Prague is the best. You definitely made the best choice!! Have fun, can’t wait to read about it.

Kim recently posted…Life Outside the Apartment Door
Yay! Once it all fell into place we both felt so much better and we are now really looking forward to seeing Prague.
What a wonderful journey you have planned. I can’t wait to follow along, especially on the Camino… one thing still on our bucket list. Enjoy it all and Prague will not disappoint! But make sure to check out some of the quaint smaller towns as well.

Rhonda recently posted…A Year in Pictures ~ 2014 Remembered
Thanks! We will be in Prague for 7 nights so we definitely hope to make it out of the city for a couple of day trips.
Prague is wonderful! We were there 3 months last summer and we have tons on the city. If you can, go see Dresden (2 1/2 hours away on easy train ride), Kutna Hora (an hour by train) and Cesky Krumlov (3 hours by bus). That’s if you have time, I don’t know the spacing of your trip. But you can’t go wrong with any of these.

We’ll be back in Prague first week of April before going down to Croatia. I’m not sure when all this is planned but if we are there at the same time would be fun meeting up!
Frank (bbqboy)
Frank recently posted…Photos of Nong Khai, Thailand. You’ll see why we love this town…
Thanks for all of the great tips, Frank! Our timing is off – sadly – we will be in Prague in March, would have been fun to connect! Hopefully our paths will cross one day!
How wonderfully exciting! You really have mixed it up with what looks like luxury mixed with your walking dream. I always get anxious before a trip, mixed with excitement.

Gaelyn recently posted…I lost my way for a while
Yep, anxious and excitement, that’s the combination!