We originally scheduled a rest day in Logrono but cancelled it so we could change two long days of walking into three shorter days.  It all turned out for the better, but Logrono tugged at us. We instantly loved it and we would have enjoyed a full day of discovery.

Approaching Logrono
Why Are You Walking?

Not long after entering the city we were stopped by a man and a group of young people who turned out to be visiting students from Sweden.  He asked us if the students could speak to us and of course we said, “Yes!”  We both knew what was coming – why are you walking the Camino?

Why are you walking the Camino?!
Why are you walking the Camino?!  Inquiring minds want to know!
The City of Logrono

The Camino de Santiago navigates right through the city of Logrono, twisting and turning this way and that.  We decided to take our time.  We visited the city’s two cathedrals and they were stunning. I love the art and the history of centuries old cathedrals.

We had coffee and juice in the plaza, we walked along the river and enjoyed a picnic lunch in the park with our shoes off.  A good walk from Viana to Logrono – through orchards and vineyards – and a lovely couple of hours in Logrono and then…

Looking back at Logrono.
Looking back at Logrono.
Blister from Hell

All of the walking Abi and I do – and we walk a lot – I never, ever, get blisters. Wouldn’t you know it?!  On Day eight I grew a small blister, which I cleaned, treated and from Viana to Logrono had no problem with it. Poof! From Logrono to Naverette it morphed into the blister from hell.  Yes, I took a picture but I’m thinking most of you don’t want to see it so I’ll spare you the graphic details.

I added a pound of poor pitiful me to my backpack as it was the very last thing I thought I’d have to deal with, and I hobbled into Navarette.  I’m not a power through the pain kind of girl.  Nope.  I don’t do pain.

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No Shoe, No Walk

This morning, day 10, I could not put on my shoe – let alone walk – so we called for a taxi and rode to our next planned destination, Najera.  First thing we did was head to the farmacia to buy Compeed medicated patches and a Compeed preventative stick.

It was then that I asked myself what would PollyAnna do? We decided to give ourselves permission to skip the 10 miles (without guilt or regret) and enjoyed the day. We sat at a riverside cafe and had lunch, followed by an hour well-spent exploring The Monastery of Santa Maria la Real, which was incredible.

The main altar built around 1690 by Francisco de la Cueva and Mateo de Rubalcaba.
The main altar built around 1690 by Francisco de la Cueva and Mateo de Rubalcaba.
More Shoes?!

Believe it or not I’ve purchased yet another pair of shoes, open-heeled hiking sandals, so I can walk. It was either that or spend the next few days hanging out in Najera.  Tomorrow, we will get back on the trail and I will give it my best shot.  At some point though, I’ve got to give away a pair of shoes as this is getting ridiculous!

April 20, 2015

Day 9

We walked 15 miles

Highest elevation: 1,800′

April 21, 2015

Day 10

Today we rested

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