What you learn really quickly – I’m talking almost instantly – is that vanity has no place on the Camino de Santiago. Avoiding mirrors is a good idea; especially when you’re someone who gets her hair cut and colored every 4 weeks without fail.

Silent screaming – what the hell was I thinking?!
Listen to Your Body

We arrived in Spain with a mapped out game plan and time frame, knowing full well that it would most likely change and we’re already tweaking things a bit.  Along with throwing vanity out the window, you learn really quickly to listen to your body.  Scheduling two really long days back-to-back, in hindsight, was probably definitely not a good idea, but they’re behind us now, along with a few F bombs I dropped along the way.

Giving our hot tired feet an ice cold mountain stream spritz!
Giving our hot tired feet an ice cold mountain stream spritz!
Roncevaux to Larrasoana

Day 2 found us walking from Roncevaux to Larrasoana, another 16-mile walk.  About 10 miles in I developed a cramp in the arch of my right foot and I knew I was in trouble, but when you’re in the middle of a forest… We walked another 2 miles to Zubiri, and I was beyond done.

We flagged a taxi who drove us the last three miles to the next village, Larrasoana, and our B&B.  I listened to my body feet.  The other thing you learn in the first couple of days is that it is your journey – own it.  You do what you need to do at the moment.

Looking down on the valley below.
Looking down on the valley below.

Day 2

Roncevaux to Larrasoana

April 13, 2015

Today we walked 12.5 miles

Highest elevation:  3,120′


Larrasoana to Pamplona

Day 3 finds my backpack and I at odds.  She got wind of the fact that on more than one occasion I’ve given serious thought to leaving her on the trail.  You know, sit down to take a break and just leave her, walk away.  She’s not happy with me and I’m hoping sooner than later we will become one with each other.

In the meantime, while in Pamplona, we purged the contents of our packs and shipped a box off to France where it will be held for us. Vanity.  Screw it.  I do not care if I wear the same clothes every day.

Oh, how I hate stairs!
I Wish it Would Rain

We chose to walk in April/May, thinking the season would just be gearing up, trails would not be overrun with pilgrims and the weather would be cool.  Ha!  For the past two days the temps have reached 80 degrees! Are you kidding me?!  Boy do I wish it would rain so I could whine about the rain.

I am a girl that does not like to be hot; a girl who has endured four surgical procedures on her left foot.  And, I am a girl who is a turtle on the trail.  Slow and steady.  I am slow, Abi is steady.  He takes the lead and I follow.  He keeps me in his line of vision (I think he has eyes in the back of his head) and he waits for me to catch up.

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An Ongoing Debate

Onward we walk.  Left, right, left, right, one foot after another. From Roncevaux to Larrasoana to Pamplona. We are finding our rhythm in our first days walking the Camino de Santiago.  I have an ongoing debate in my head. Uphill? Downhill?  Which is the lessor of two evils?

Day 3

April 14, 2015

Today we walked 9 miles

Highest elevation: 1,870

Follow the yellow arrow, it will show you the way.

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