2024- I’m not a big fan of New Year’s Eve and all that it entails. I’d much rather snuggle up for the evening with the one I love most, with a big bowl of popcorn and watch a classic movie, such as the one I share every year at this time, “When Harry Met Sally.” Post a comment and tell us how many times you’ve seen Harry and Sally find their way to each other. As we move forward in to a new year filled with hope for new beginnings and world-wide healing, we once again share this post. Cheers!
New Year’s Resolutions
Having never been one to make New Year’s resolutions (I’ve always thought that if I’m going to do something important I better get to it, not wait for the New Year and then spend a year worrying if I’m living up to my self-made promises) I’m not about to start this year.
When Harry Met Sally
Instead, I started thinking about all things New Year’s Eve which led me to the movie “When Harry Met Sally” and that wonderful New Year’s Eve scene when Harry asks Sally about the meaning of Auld Lang Syne. It’s a classic scene and if you are among the few who have never seen the movie, I might suggest you spend your New Year’s Eve watching Harry and Sally bumble their way through finding each other. You won’t regret the time spent.
To answer Harry’s question I did a little research and found the following. The traditional song for ringing in the New Year, in almost every English-speaking country in the world, is Auld Lang Syne. This new year song is generally credited to Robert Burns, but earlier versions of this ballad precede his time. Burns combined a common Scottish folk song with his own lyrics to arrive at the version commonly sung on New Year’s Eve.
Auld Lang Syne
Take a couple of minutes to listen to this beautiful version of Auld Lang Syne sung by Maeve McKinnon. It touches my heart each and every time I listen to it. I hope you’ll enjoy it as well.
So, what is the actual meaning of this New Year’s Eve Song? It’s a tale about old friends who have parted and meet again. To celebrate their long friendship, they share a drink together and reminisce of memories from long ago. The basic message is that we should not forget our old friends and should celebrate a reunion with them.
Auld Lang Syne by Robert Burns
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet
For auld lang syne!
Should old acquaintances be forgotten,
And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintances be forgotten,
And days of long ago!
For old long ago, my dear
For old long ago,
We will take a cup of kindness yet
For old long ago.

Patti, what a year 2020 has turned out to be. I am more than ready to say good riddance. Brian and I will be having a quiet celebration to welcome 2021. Happy New Year to you and Abi.
Happy New Year to you and yours, Gilda! We are eagerly looking forward to a new year filled with the promise of change.
I’ll listen to the version of Auld Lang Syne you shared when my New Year’s Eve partner isn’t sleeping next to me. We don’t go out for New Year’s Eve. Back when we had a fireplace, we’d sit in front of the fireplace and share a bottle of wine, except one or the other of us would usually fall asleep before we finished the wine and before midnight. We haven’t had a fireplace since 2011, but other than not having a fire in our nonexistant fireplace, our NYE routine hasn’t changed. For all sorts of reasons, the onset of 2020 has me feeling more contemplative than in years past.
We have a fireplace and we’ll be asleep before midnight. Ha! Ha! Happy New Year!
Such a beautiful performance of Auld Lang Syne. Here’s to old friends and new! It will be interesting to see how 2019 unfolds for all of us. Wherever our journeys take us, I’ll look forward to our paths crossing. A big hug to you and Abi!
Right back at ya, Anita! Our paths will definitely cross again.
That is a terrific movie although I have not seen it in years… maybe it is time for a rerun, even though I missed New Years Eve for a showing. I am not a huge fan of New Years Eve, and for the past decade have enjoyed it mostly spent quietly at home rather than out being “joyous and merry” which usually feels forced. This year my son and his fiance visited us, so we actually were even awake as the year changed over!
There’s always time for another viewing of Harry and Sally! 🙂 Happy New Year Pita to you and your family.
Dan Fogelberg explains it best in his “Same Auld Lang Syne”. Sad, but comforting song about renewing friendships. I agree with the quiet celebration at home and the no resolutions rule. At this stage of the game I sort of know what I need to do to be happy and content with life. Wishing you all the best in 2018!

Suzanne recently posted…Captured Moments – Glorious
Exactly my point, Suzanne, if there’s something I need to take care of I better get to it! Happy New Year to you and yours!
Happy 2018 to my great friends. It’s going to be one heck of a year.
Happy New Year to you and yours, Linda. It is indeed to going to be a wild year, better buckle up!
My New Year celebrations will be a little different this year. I am already in Brazil and heading for the coast tomorrow with my family. I wish you both a very Happy New Year 🙂
I’m so glad you’re able to welcome the new year with your family, and in Brazil! That’s exciting! Happy New Year to you and yours Gilda.
I rarely watch a movie more that once, Patti, but I’ve laughed along with WHMS 3 or 4 times. Here’s to welcoming in 2018 with laughter and a big dose of hope!
Harry and Sally are well-worth watching more than once, it’s such a classic romantic comedy – with lessons to be learned. Happy New Year to you and Dick!
Happy New Year and may this year be a blessing to you!

Milton Garcia recently posted…Scientific Trading Machine
Thank you! And best wishes for the new year to you.
Happy 2017 Patti & Abi! All the best!
PS still love that movie…

Frank recently posted…Ninja training in Kyoto
We watched it again last night. Happy New Year to you and Lissette and safe travels in 2017.
I have enjoyed following you & Abi in 2016 and am looking forward to 2017
Thank you so much, Donna! Happy New Year. 🙂
Should we meet this year, old friend? And I mean that as we have been friends a long time… Neither of us will ever get truly old. Right?
Right! 🙂
Here we are again amd 2016 has zipped by in a flash with many ups and downs. I wish you and Abi health, love and lots of good times in 2017

Gilda Baxter recently posted…The Bride, The Groom, and The Chaperone Sisters – in Paris
The year really did fly by – and it ended on a less than positive note for so many. Hoping for the best in 2017!
As he has been for so many New Years Eves, after a day at the hospital, Dr. Excitement will be on call which means he could maybe have a sip of champagne which means it won’t be worth opening a bottle. However, despite all the disturbing things that 2016 brought, we’ll still be grateful for so many other things—including meeting you and Abi in real life.
Right back at ya, Suzanne! 😉
This is one of my all-time favorite movies and I love the tug on the nostalgia heartstrings too. Distance is not too kind on old friendships so, while I’m remembering many friends who have drifted away over the years, I’m looking forward to making and nurturing old and new friendships in 2017. Wishing you and Abi a 2017 filled with lots of laughter, interesting adventures and people who sip from the “cup of kindness” every day.

Anita @ No Particular Place To Go recently posted…Part Two – Figuring It Out Along The Way – Life In Portugal
Cheers to you, Anita & Richard!
I always loved that movie, one of the few that would make me cry. I prefer doing exactly what you suggest but the last couple of years we always seem to get roped into something. Next year I think we blame bad internet for being incommunicado and just disappear for a couple of days.

All the best for 2016!
Frank (bbqboy)
Frank recently posted…Photo Essay: the Atlantic Coastline of Cape Town
Happy New Year! Looking forward to following your adventures in 2016!
I love the film “When Harry met Sally”, it is a classic. Like you I love snuggling up on the sofa with my kids and Brian and to watch the fire work shows from around the world and the count down to the last chimes of BigBen in London to welcome the New Year, on the telly. Happy New Year Patti and Abi!

Gilda Baxter recently posted…Iceland – The Ring Road In a Camper Van – Part 2
Happy New Year, Gilda, and the best to you and yours as we all find our way through 2016!
Happy New Year! Just talked to an old, very good, friend for the first time in years tonight, a great way to be ending the year on, in an Auld Sang Lyne moment.
Happy New Year, Elaine, and all the best in the coming year!
Great movie and a great sentiment. Watching When Harry Met Sally at home seems like a pretty good way to ring in the new year to me. Happy New Year to you!

Mags recently posted…2014; Thanks For A Great Year!
And Happy New Year to you! Thanks so much for stopping by and best wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year.
As I get older, the reunions with old friends and far flung family become more poignant. Happy New Year to you and the one you love the most. I look forward to following along on the exciting trips you have planned.

Suzanne Fluhr recently posted…In the Grand Scheme of Things
Happy New Year to you and Mr./Dr. Excitement!
I’ve often wondered what the words meant. Thanks for the clarity! (And Happy New Year)

Lane recently posted…Monthly Photo: January
Thank you, Lane for stopping by and Happy New Year to you and yours as well!
I love re-watching the movie. The song always brings a kind of sadness, yet so necessary to sing. Safe travels in 2014.

Neva Fels recently posted…Anticipating another Great Journey
Happy New Year to you and yours, Neva!
Loved that movie, one of my all time favorites. Happy New Year to you guys!
Frank & Lissette
Happy New Year to you and safe travels in 2014!
Touche’ and awesome shout out for When Harry Met Sally as you know from my lists I absolutely love! I agree it is a must watch! And absolutely on celebrating friendships both old and new, our friend. A very Happy New Year’s to you and Abi and family, Patti! 🙂

Mike recently posted…My Top 10 Favorite Movie Theme Songs Part III
Ya gotta love Harry & Sally! Happy New Year Mike and I look forward to a continued friendship in 2014.
In 2014, I’m scheduled to cross the psychological border to 60-dom. I know that on my life calendar, it’s just another birthday, and I’ve had my AARP card since I was 50, but 60 feels significant in its own way. So, I suspect I will do a good bit of “taking stock” in the coming months. Mostly, I’m OK with where I’ve been. I expect I’ll expend some psychic energy thinking about the future. Happy New Year to you and Abi and may you have lots of occasions to sing Auld Lang Syne.

Suzanne Fluhr (Boomeresque) recently posted…Handel’s Messiah – Philadelphia Orchestra Style
Oh, that’s a big threshold. I still have a couple of years before I have to step over. I suppose it’s all just a numbers game and not letting them get the best of you (me). And you’re certainly going to start of the year with an amazing adventure, which I look forward to following.
Now… how did I just KNOW (before I even clicked here to the post) what movie you meant when you posted “My favorite New Year’s Eve movie scene” in BTB? 😉 Especially nostalgic to me here in Asia (again!) this year ‘cuz… WHMSally was filmed/set in my beloved Seattle!

Dyanne@TravelnLass recently posted…Catching up on Nepal: Bhaktapur
Because it is the best New Year’s Eve movie scene, ever! That’s how! Thanks for stopping by Dyanne!
Happy New Year! Looking forward to following your adventures in 2013 (and starting my own – finally!).
Happy New Year to you Amy and I am looking forward to following you!! You’re nearly there.
Happy New year!
Wishing you the best of 2013!